The days are getting colder and shorter and in November the snow will most probably cover the streets of Uppsala. While that may seem daunting for those coming from warmer countries, where this kind of weather is inexistent, it can actually be quite enjoyable. You will find nations are especially cozy places to hang out with your friends during this time.
Pepparkakor, a type of cookie made of ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and cloves, will soon fill every supermarket as part of both the winter arrival and Christmas preparations. A word of warning though: you may start hating these cookies after so many weeks eating them and when you see them everywhere you go! If you prefer drinks, check out the julmust, a Christmas drink you can only find on this time of the year, also in any supermarket close to you. Here in Sweden, Christmas celebrations occur on the 4 weekends before the day itself, which in Swedish is referred to as “Adventsljusstake”, meaning “Advent wreath” in English. In those weekends you will have the chance to visit one of many Christmas markets, hear Saint Lucia sing (a singing procession headed by one girl wearing a crown of candles) or see the many decorations all over town. Closer to the date itself do not miss the opportunity of trying the traditional Swedish julbord, the standard Christmas dinner in Scandinavian countries. Of course, glögg (comforting Swedish wine), together with a nice fika, should always be present in our lives.
Getting involved in a nation is a unique experience that solely Uppsala can offer. If you can afford it, you should attend one of the many gasks, such as the very popular julgask at V-Dala on the 17th of December. It is guaranteed you will get considerable amounts of drinks, alcoholic or not, have a nice three course meal and enjoy the company of those sitting beside you, while singing Swedish songs.
The V-Dala International Committee is always looking for people who would like to help with the organization of its diverse events. We are, for example, organizing a game night, in which you can play a big variety of board games with your friends. Also, there will be a snowman competition, probably one of the highlights of the semester, with prizes for the teams building the best snowman. Moreover, preparations for the ski trip next semester are already taking place. If you want to take part in this active group please send an e-mail to
Looking forward to see you all in our future activities!
Tiago Pinheiro
International Secretary
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